
Minion Hat: Refashions / Upcycling that don't look "cool"


So, my son said to me that he wanted to be a Minion for Halloween. So, we got into action with an old yellow t-shirt and black yarn. I had decided that the easiest way was to sew him a cap and then use toilet rolls to make the goggles. I thought it would be a great refashion / upcycle. Oh no, my son refused to wear it. He said that it looks too babyish and is NOT cool (He's eight by the way). So, I guess he's going to go to the Halloween party as himself - he says it's okay as everyone else will be dressed up as someone else! I'm glad he's okay with it.

Have you done a refashion for your kid and they said it's not cool? At what age will they stop wearing your refashions? :-)

Look, I had the goggles all ready!!! :-(

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  1. Oh no Agy! My girls haven't reached that stage yet, but I'm sure they will. I think it looks like a great idea for a costume! You should wear it yourself to take him to the party!!! He He!!!

    1. LoL, Jill. If I wore it I don't think he would want to turn up with me! :-0

