Over the past 5 years, I've observed that I've had a new set of neighbours twice over!! And everytime there's a new neighbour, there's a massive overhaul of the decor and furniture in the flat - new bed, wardrobe, dining table ..... Somehow, the scrimp and save culture that once existed in our grandparents' time doesn't seem to exist in Asia anymore. The only person I know who has never thrown out furniture is my husband's high school teacher. Apparently, her hubby designed the furniture to last - they still have the set (which is now 23 years old). And he was so forward looking that he designed the furniture without corners - so that they wouldn't get hurt in old age - yup, that's how forward looking he is!!!
So, why can't we be like them? I think we should take a leaf from upcyclers across the Pacific like "Dumped & Discovered". Actually, I've searched and I've asked, and I don't think we have anyone in Singapore who upcycles furniture. (okay, if we do, please email me!)
Sarah & Jon aka Mr & Mrs "Dump" |
So who are Dumped & Discovered? Here was their reply (I just had to put it down lock stock and barrel cos it put a huge smile to my face :-) )Hi. My name is Sarah ("Hi, Sarah") - and I'm a junk-a-holic. My husband, Jon, is a junk-a-holic too, he just won't admit it. I didn't realize we had this disease until recently. They say that admittance is the first step. So here I am.
I discovered a passion for yard sale, estate sale, and side of the road shopping a few summers ago with my sister in Washington, D.C. We were browsing in an adorable store (that was started by sisters) when the inspiration hit us like a ton of bricks...we knew that this was the beginning of something special. Why? Number 1 - We love shopping!!! Number 2 - We love finding great deals!!!! Number 3 - Both of our homes are ALWAYS in desperate need of a new look.
I am a poor, overworked, underpaid fourth grade teacher (like ALL teachers) that found a hidden talent for bringing new life to old furniture Other than the information on the about me page (which I need to update), people don’t realize that there are actually three of us that make up Dumped and Discovered. Besides me, there’s my husband (Mr. Dump), and my sister (Lola). Mr. Dump does a majority of the heavy lifting and painting, while my sister scores a majority of the furniture we up-cycle (it’s amazing what people throw away in Washington, D.C.)!!!!
They love all things old, shabby and vintage, and initially started with a lamp and spray paint, but Sarah strongly recommends making a small investment in a paint sprayer (US$50-100) and it has been crucial to their success.
So, where does their inspiration come from?
So, where does their inspiration come from?
Our inspiration comes from many places, primarily thrift stores and antique malls. We love finding furniture that is almost throw-away-able, and giving it the new life it deserves. Pinterest is another excellent site that gives us ideas for new projects.
One of the projects that made me say "I really want to do that!" to my hubby |
Any favourites?
Dump & Discovered bought an old dresser from the Salvation Army (above) and transformed it into this beauty:
What I love about Dump & Discovered is that they tell you what works and what doesn't, and they tell you the steps of the transformation.
And if you're not ready to make that big leap into upcycling furniture, there's a tutorial on chicken wire frames (yes, you heard right!) and colander lights.
Dump & Discovered have been an inspiration to me because I've been oggling at their site and thinking about what I could do with my furniture for hours on end. I just need to find me a good paint sprayer, some sand paper and a lot of free time! I think I will start off with the chicken wire frames :-)
Happy crafting!!
This was done beautifully! Thank you for following, featuring, and taking the time to MAKE MY DAY!!!!!
ReplyDeleteBIG BIG Hugs,
You're most welcome, Sarah! Hope to get more upcycling furniture tips from your blog! :-)
Very creative. I too like to shop thrift stores and am to a point where I want distressed furniture that's 'lived' and not something smack brand new out of the store.