
62 Projects to Make with a Dead Computer (and other discarded electronics)

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I recently blogged about greener electronics. According to today's My Paper, the amount of e-waste collected in Singapore has increased over the years, with collection of e-waste peaking during IT product sales, electronics fairs and the festive seasons.  NEA had featured its E-waste Take Back Project during last week's Recycling Week (also organised by NEA).  According to their website, we could drop off our unwanted electrical and electronic items - such as cellular phones, computers, printers, household appliances - at  West Mall, Junction 8 Shopping Centre, NorthPoint Shopping Mall and Changi Simei Community Club on 10 September 2010.  It doesn't say whether we can still do this though, but I hope it will be an on-going programme!!

Well, if it isn't there are other things we can do!

I found this "62 Projects to Make with a Dead Computer (and other discarded electronics)" in the library and I knew I had to borrow it!  There are so many things you can do.  There's a sharpener from a mouse, earrings from keys, a lampshade, and even a table from an old scanner, but my hubby thinks that I'm no good with tools other than a sewing machine.  We shall see!!

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