
New Workshops!

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I hope everyone's 2018 is going well in terms of health, love and friendship. These are the most important things on my list to stay focused on.  I got so busy with my art and work that these slipped on the way side and I felt rather horrible about myself.  What's life without health, love and friendship? You will need to have them to enjoy all the hard work you put in your work. Anyway, enough with me nattering on. I have some good news and bad news.  The bad news is that if you had wanted to sign up for my upcycling workshop, Restyle Your Wardrobe (27th Jan), it is actually sold out, which actually is good news for me.  I will let all of you know when the next one is happening.

But there are other workshops happening this quarter. I hope to see some of you soon.

Colours from the Garden - after the success of the last natural dye collaboration with Cultivate Central, we have decided to run the parent-child workshop again on 24th Feb, 1030am - 12pm. Sign up at here.

Repair Sewcial - the second round of my clothing repair session is happening on 24th March 2 - 5pm. Learn how to fix zips, darn and even rethread elastic. Book your slot here.

repair clothes workshop

Simple Living : Beeswax Wrap Workshop - The Tender Gardener and I are continuing our DIY beeswax wrap workshop and this time we will be at the Funan Showsuite located on Hill Street. If you are keen to start your zero waste journey by removing cling wrap and aluminium foil from your kitchen pantry, then this might be the workshop for you. Details and sign up at this link.

DIY Beeswax wrap workshop

DIY Beeswax wrap workshop in Singapore

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