
Sewing & Upcycling Again

Sewing & Upcycling Again

"Patience pays off."
I think this applies to any project you do.
When you put your mind to it, you can create anything!
Last week we had another upcycling session of Restyle  Your Wardrobe, and all the participants spent the whole day cutting, sewing and reconstructing their old garments.

Some of the issues they had with their old clothes were:

  1. Too tight
  2. Not flattering
  3. Dated
  4. Too long

And we sorted them out together, and I was really happy to see the participants make their own suggestions too!

 Skirt from a maxi dress.

The pink top was too tight so we decided to add a white panel and lace borders. 

This was originally a blue maxi dress. The participant decided to add rhinestones to it.

This was originally 2 tops, one of which was clingy, so this participant combined them together.

If you would like to take part in this workshop, do drop me an email greenissuessg@gmail.com


  1. Was thrilled to share this workshop's photos at Rude Record. As a result, you were invited to run a workshop in Mackay, Australia at its TIP SHOP!

    1. Wow, that's amazing! I wish I was living closer to you all :)

  2. Wish you were closer to us in US! :)

  3. These are fantastic! What great ideas. It looks like it was a lot of fun!

  4. This is so cool! On a limited budget, I re-wear clothes for a LONG time; I wish I had a group like this to help me add a little life to older garments (and to assist me getting accustomed to doing my own sewing, too, because I could use the help!)

