
5 Things I Will Do Differently in 2015


Okay, some of you might be thinking that we are too far into 2015 to start making changes in our lives. But, hey, these changes are for the better, and I would rather it be now than later, right? Besides, it's Chinese New Year in a few more days, and I thought it would be great to start on the good side! I was wondering when to share this, and so it was very timely to be able to join Rachel's blog train at Catch Forty Winks about the 5 or 15 things you would do differently in 2015.  Ahem...cough....cough.... I chose 5 because I like to start small! 

Drum roll.......

1. Exercise more
Ever since I started doing the refashion/upcycle full-time from home, I realised I was glued to my chair more often than not. And it didn't help that my significant other blurted out that I had "bingo wings". I'm now dancing again, actually three times a week, and I feel so much better.  Actually, I was talking to my friend about this a few days back and she said that if she stopped exercising she would go crazy and have a melt-down. This is so true, with all that stress in life right now, it's best to take care of yourself!

2. Wake Up Earlier
Not just because my kid's school starts class at 7.30am (!) but because it's healthier as well. I also find I get more done with my work. But that also means....

3. Get to Bed Earlier
There was a time when I wouldn't be in bed until midnight (okay, I admit it, I am an internet addict, but it's to get inspiration - promise!), and then by morning I would be extremely groggy, not to mention in a bad mood.  So, the best decision is to sleep earlier (latest 11pm) and wake up feeling refreshed. Plus, it's a healthier way of life!

4. Cook Smart
We cook a lot at home, but as a family we've decided to cook smart. This means less processed produce, less oil, salt and sugar. But also means not wasting food either whether it is during preparation or after a meal. 

5. Let it go!!
I had originally wanted to post a different #5 to this list. It was going to be "Look Ahead", but I met someone really inspirational and I had my "aha" light bulb moment. He was very frank with me and said that he saw how creative I was but in order to get far I needed to LET IT GO. I must admit THAT (sorry!) song popped in mind, but I do agree with him, creativity can't have barriers, and if you procrastinate and give yourself excuses, you are going to get no where. So this year, will be just for me to let it go. 

What things will you be doing differently this year? 

This blog post is part of Rachel's blog train at Catch Forty Winks. If you want to read more, click on the icon below.  

new button

Tomorrow's post will be by Ashlyn Thia of  www.ashlynthia.blogspot.sg. Ashlyn shares her walk of faith, love and joy as a full time working mummy to 1. Many years back, she prayed for a child but God didn't send her one immediately. Instead, he waited and blessed her with a daughter at the perfect timing. He continued to be her center of life, guide and lead her new journey. She writes about her life, faith, parenting, child, travel and crafting "adventures" - yes, many ups and downs!


  1. Wow, that's such an early start time for school, I'm not a morning person at all and I would struggle so much with getting up that early. I too am trying to get some exercise into my routine and it's hard to find the motivation but I'll keep at it.

  2. I love this post! And totally valid anytime of year, though Chinese New Year helps ;) Great reminders for me as I share ALL of your goals...what kind of dancing do you do? I started Latin dancing (salsa, merengue, bachata, cumbia, etc.) in college and since moving from MI haven't kept up...never was much for going to a dance studio, more of just salsa night at the local clubs, but I'd love to get back at it with my husband! Need to make that happen!!!

  3. Great list! I think this could be my list too. My son starts school at 7:30. During football season he was lifting weights before school. I kept saying I would get up with him and get things done before heading off to work.........but I didn't. I am the queen of the snooze button. Oh well..........maybe I should just Let It Go.

  4. All great things for 2015! My favorite is let it go we all hold on to much waste in our lives, and would be so much happier if we let it go more often.

  5. I am definitely exercising more and trying to let it go more. I gained 15 lbs last year...no thanks!

  6. I totally agree that changes/goals shouldn't just be saved for 1 January. It can happen whenever we want it bad enough :) .

  7. No time like the present to set goals! Good luck with yours. I should go to bed earlier but I can't seem to make myself.

  8. Love these goals. I have very similar ones, I like the last one. Letting it go can be anything. Striving for perfection, stressing over small things, anything. Enjoy life, try to be healthy, that is all you can do. Great goals set for yourself.

  9. Great list. I agree. My biggest goal is to go to bed earlier. It's hard though because I just love to sit and enjoy how quiet it is when everyone is a sleep in the house ;)

  10. I love your goals! I also need exercise for sanity, LOL! I've been following clean eating most of the year so far and feel great!

  11. I love your goals! I've been following clean eating since the beginning of the year and feel great!

  12. This looks so similar to my goals. Not doing so great with the get up early...the bed is way too comfortable.

  13. What a great list, Agy... I'm completely on board with more sleep and letting go! And yes, I started singing the song, too. I wonder if I'll ever hear that phrase again and NOT sing it?!

  14. I agree, no time like the present to set new goals. I need to make myself go to bed earlier so I can get up earlier, but there always seems to be an excuse!

  15. I love this post! Go for it, that's what I say, it's never too late! I also love your #5 post "just let it go" - sometimes you have to let it all go in order to really channel that creativity. Having had a scoot around your blog (lovely, btw) I'm sure you'll achieve your goals. Look forward to following your journey...!

  16. This sounds like it should be my list too! Especially going to bed earlier and waking up earlier and being more productive in the morning. Procrastination is my biggest struggle. It is really hard to start something but every time I finally start I feel much better and think" why didn't I just start earlier!" Would save me a lot of time and frustration! Thanks for the awesome reminders!

