
Green Is the New Black - I'm Having a Workshop!

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I'm superduper excited about 22 October as the amazing people at The Wedge Asia have organised their second Green Is the New Black event.  Green Is the New Black (or GITNB, for short) is all about sharing what are the conscious choices you can make in your life, be it with respect to health, giving back to society, your mind or the environment. What I love about the event is that it brings together everyone in the community, and this year I will be there with a workshop on weaving using the loom kit that was designed at Sustainable Living Lab.

It will be a one hour workshop at 4pm, and you get to take the loom kit home to continue with your weaving! And it's only $28!

Sign up here: http://bit.ly/WeaveItAgy

Green Is the New Black will be held at Hotel Jen Tanglin Singapore on 22 October, 11am - 9pm.

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1 comment

  1. Ooh now here's a workshop I wish I could participate in!

