
My first product - weave, weave, weave

My first product - weave, weave, weave

The first half of 2016 has been a bit of an adventure; there were both ups and downs on the home front but we faced them head on together and here we are today! I took on a job at Sustainable Living Lab and the position has given me the opportunity to learn more making techniques and create products. It has been a bit of a learning curve (but then what isn't unless you want to stay status quo) but it's been great fun so far, and I've been given the chance to create products, something that I have been rather apprehensive to do.

One of things I was fascinated about last year was how kids could get very excited about weaving. At Maker Faire and The Big Draw, children would sit still for up to an hour designing and weaving their own hoops. The whole process was rewarding for them, especially when it came to displaying their creations in public. So I thought why not take it a step further and bring the weaving to the kids instead of them coming to me.  The team racked our brains and decided to come up with a weaving Maker Box for the children (and adults!) to tinker with. You can weave on the go too - just pop it in your bag and whip it out if anyone feels bored - no more gadgets and no more cardboard looms, please.

What can you make? Practically anything you can think of that can be woven - bracelets, mats, coasters.

This is my first product, The Maker Box - I Looms You Forever, and it is available at http://bit.ly/MakerBoxLoom

weaving loom maker box


  1. Oh this looks so fun! What a great product!

  2. This would be a great gift especially because it looks really easy! (Maybe that's deceiving though?)

  3. I can attest that this is a great activity for kids. My cousin and I used a loom like this to make wall hangings. She finished hers, I didn't...but it was a lot of fun!

  4. Agy this is just awesome! I would have loved this as a child.

